
Vue3 DnD is a Vue developed based on React DnD Composition-api Version. We will try our best to ensure that it is consistent with the functionality of React DnD, and you can even consider this document as part of React DnD's documentation (except, of course, the dependency part of react hooks api).


# Install
pnpm install vue3-dnd react-dnd-html5-backend
# or
npm install vue3-dnd react-dnd-html5-backend
# or
yarn add vue3-dnd react-dnd-html5-backend
copy success

react-dnd-html5-backend is a [React DnD](https://react-dnd.github.io/react -dnd/about) plugin which provides an HTML5 drag and drop support; you can also use [react-dnd-touch-backend](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-dnd-touch- backend) provides touch drag and drop support.


Composition API

Based on Vue's composition API, you can use drag and drop in any component.

Two-way data binding

Based on Vue's two-way data binding, you can automatically update the UI when the data is updated.

Support Vue2 and Vue3

Support both Vue2 and Vue3 versions

Extensions and tests

Benefiting from React DnD's backend design, you can customize a DnD backend and test it with react-dnd-test-backend Your drag and drop component.

Questions and suggestions

You can submit an issue or pull request on GitHub.


Thanks to the authors of React DnD whose open source project is our foundation.

Thanks to designer Wang Heng for the logo.